Design System

In Development


The GOV.IE footer provides copyright, licensing and other information about your service.

Figma LibraryLocal HTMLGlobal HTMLReact

When to use this component

Use the footer at the bottom of every page of your service.

Adding links

You can add links to:

  • privacy notice
  • accessibility statement
  • cookies page
  • terms and conditions
  • other language options
  • help content

Use ‘Privacy’, ‘Accessibility’, ‘Cookies’ and ‘Terms and conditions’ for the link text.

Adding secondary navigation

Only add secondary GOV.IE navigation if you’re creating a GOV.IE service, and you want users to be able to navigate away from the service to somewhere else on the GOV.IE website. For example, you probably don’t want to encourage a user to navigate away from a linear, form-type service.