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In Review



Primary buttons

<button id="button" class="gi-btn gi-btn-primary gi-btn-regular">Primary Button</button>
{{ govieButton({
  "content": 'Primary Button'
}) }}
import { Button } from '@govie-ds/react';

<Button>Primary Button</Button>

Secondary buttons

<button id="button" class="gi-btn gi-btn-secondary gi-btn-regular">Secondary Button</button>
{{ govieButton({
  "content": 'Secondary Button',
  "variant": 'secondary'
}) }}
import { Button } from '@govie-ds/react';

<Button variant="secondary">Secondary Button</Button>

Flat buttons

<button id="button" class="gi-btn gi-btn-flat gi-btn-regular">Flat Button</button>
{{ govieButton({
  "content": 'Flat Button',
  "variant": 'flat'
}) }}
import { Button } from '@govie-ds/react';

<Button variant="flat">Flat Button</Button>

Buttons with icons and label

<button id="button" class="gi-btn gi-btn-secondary gi-btn-regular">
  <svg class="govie-button__icon-left" width="14" height="15" viewBox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="">
    <path d="M14 8.5H8V14.5H6V8.5H0V6.5H6V0.5H8V6.5H14V8.5Z" fill="white"></path>
  </svg> button
{{ govieButton({
  "content": govieIcon({"icon": "thumb_up"}) + 'button'
}) }}
import { Button, Icon } from '@govie-ds/react';

  <Icon icon="thumb_up" />

Icon Buttons

Not available
{{ govieButton({
  "content": govieIcon({"icon": "thumb_up"})
}) }}
import { Button, Icon } from '@govie-ds/react';

  <Icon icon="thumb_up" />

Disabled buttons

<button id="button" data-module="govie-button" disabled="true" aria-disabled="true" class="gi-btn gi-btn-regular gi-btn-primary-disabled">Disabled button</button>
{{ govieButton({
  "content": 'Disabled Button',
  "disabled": true
}) }}
import { Button } from '@govie-ds/react';

<Button disabled={true}>
  Disabled Button

Buttons on dark backgrounds

<button class="gi-btn gi-btn-primary-dark gi-btn-regular">Primary Dark</button>
{{ govieButton({
  "content": 'Dark Button',
  "appearance": 'light'
}) }}
import { Button } from '@govie-ds/react';

<Button appearance="light">
  Dark Button


Best Practices

When to use this component

Use the button component to help users carry out an action like starting an application or saving their information.

When not to use this component

Do not use the button component when the intended action is for the user to navigate towards an external / internal link. For that use case use the Link component


Figma Library
Local HTML
Global HTML
Global React